Prinzip Nemesis has been planned for years and is now the music project of the Brezenstudio members (Birgit und Marc).
The Band will provide a playground for the expression of various musical styles from filthy noisy electronic armageddon to experimental music, black metal influenced pop and sweet european heritage folk. Every musical desire of the band members will have its right.
After many years of the intention to make music together, 2013 seemed the right time to finally start this project.
A-Discharge, a specialist in creating haunting dronescapes from field recordings, and Prinzip Nemesis, an electronics/voice duo, have co-composed this album which could be filed under „dystopic cinema for the ears“. For those who understand the German lyrics, they do actually conjure up blurry images of a whole variety of dystopic scenarios – a society taken over by fascists or a world taken over by insects? But the deadpan matter-of-factness of the narrating voice contrasting uneasily with the intensely ominous atmosphere created by A-Discharge's meticulously crafted soundscape makes you feel that this album is all about gloomy things going on outside our fields of vision. The occasional outbursts of beats and dissonant synthesiser chords very effectively punctuate the suspenseful compositions which are neither simply songs nor tracks nor radio drama, but manage the great feat of carving out their own special niche in the field of the acoustic arts. (Text by Gerald Fiebig)
Release date: 03.05.2020
Listen here:
The first full length release of Prinzip Nemesis is all about our trip through india in 2012.
We came back with hours of field recordings and many many impressions, so it was a duty to do something with this material.
After a year long work on the debut album, which reflects our feelings and incidents, a limited edition was released to
the attendees and contributors of this album on 10. May 2013.
This version is strictly limited to 20 copies, wrapped in a hand made cloth shell (each with a different button),
accompanied by 5 photographs of india, the regular album and a bonus cd with field recordings, alternate versions,
improvisations and experimental experiments (Release on discogs).
In addition, this album was released as a edition of 25 pieces (only the album, not the bonus cd) and as
download by our friends at attenuation circuit in 2014.
This album was re-release as limited physical edition by Ralmic Records in 2017
Siliguri, verdammt lautes Siliguri
Wir schwappen auf einer Welle aus Tröten und Geschrei,
aus liquidem Chaos, unserem erhofften Ziel entgegen.
Stetig, stetig, vorwärts ohne Gnade ... Pausenlos und kanalisiert.
Menschen schwemmen hinein und fluten heraus.
Es gibt keine Wahl.
Die Stärksten bestimmen den Lauf, die Schlagzahl steigt.
Junger Krebstod fährt mit. Wir fahren mit.
Die Straße frisst ihre Kinder.
Melodie und Takt kämpfen unvermittelt gegen die Flut an,
können sich doch nur kurz behaupten.
Der Blechtsunami schiebt sich unaufhaltsam dicht an dicht durch den Kanal,
und unaufhaltsam wird alles andersartige unterdrückt.
Erst kommt Hongkong, dann Bollywood.
Am Ende wird uns das Glück der Andersartigkeit empfangen.
Three hour breakfast
Time is all ours
looking far over the roofs
jumping towards each other
Out of time
we'll sit and dine
Breakfast is served
we appear and we gnaw
at what we've been given
Out of time
we'll sit and dine
Our furcoats have stains
but to rest and let time pass
is the privilege of kings
Out of time
we'll sit and dine
We have no silver chandeliers
no cutlery or glassware
but dignity and pleasure
Out of time
we'll sit and dine
Castles have crumbled,
and riverbeds dried.
But we must be fed.
Out of time
we'll sit and dine
Release date: 22.01.2014
Listen here:
Re-Release date: 14.12.2017
Re-Release on ralmic records:
War, sex and genocide is not the intention of this little outpouring we created as a contribution for the attenuation circuit supporter CD.
Maschinen, kommt, entwaffnet mich.
Luftpolsterfolien und Fertigungsstraßen,
Datensammlung, konserviere du Mittelmaß!
Schweigender Messenger, Bote des Gestern.
Waldeinsamkeit werde A4.
Maschinen kommt, entwaffnet mich.
Bestellformulare ganz ohne Demut.
Leuchtender Bildschirm, Begleiter der Nacht.
Scrollbalken streichle die Netzhaut.
Maschinen kommt, entwaffnet mich.
Touchscreen wird warm, wenn ich nur suche.
Tönender Player, du Untermaler der Landschaft.
Kopfhörer schirme mich bald ab.
Maschinen kommt, entwaffnet mich.
Keinen Tag länger will ich widerstehen.
Berechnete Welt, regle du meine Stunden nun.
Ankommen geht jetzt auch online.
Release date: 17.10.2014
Listen here:
Text: Gerald Fiebig
Music: Prinzip Nemesis
Wir haben den Fußboden mit Glasscherben dekoriert
Wir haben die Gesichter der Kinder mit Scheuermilch poliert
Wir haben den Tofusalat mit Rasierklingen garniert
Haben in die Schlachtermesser unser Abzeichen graviert
Wir haben alles schön gemacht,
denn heute feiern wir ein Fest
Draußen gibt’s nur Coca Cholera
Bei uns gibt’s lecker Pest
Wir haben den anderen die Häute abgezogen
Haben sie geschnetzelt und ihre Kinder belogen
Wenn es einem nicht passt, werden keine Töne gespuckt
Der hat sich dann beim Essen an einem Knochen verschluckt
Wir haben alles gut gemacht,
denn heute feiern wir ein Fest
Draußen gibt’s nur Coca Cholera
Bei uns gibt’s lecker Pest
Ich habe seinen Arm mit einer Stahlklinge tatöwiert
Ich habe seinen Darm von beiden Seiten perforiert
Ich habe sein Gesicht ganz liebevoll ziseliert
Ich habe seinen Augapfel in sauberen Vierteln drapiert
Ich habe alles so gemacht,
dass es nicht mehr aufhört zu bluten
Ich hab es richtig gemacht,
Denn ich gehöre zu den Guten
Release date: 15.12.2013
Listen here:
We were flattered to contribute a song to one of the 2013 attenuation circuit samplers. In January 2013 we found a few minutes to compose this little piece. Due to limited technical capacities we tagged this song as DEMO.
This emulation of the past
will probably not last
An irritation comes along
and suddenly we stumble
One by one,
after all,
looks exchanged,
masks that fall
Moments captured
moments gone
moments long remembered
A petrified exchange of words,
the landscape floating by and blurred
to rid oneself of second skin
makes further steps forgotten
All in all,
an eye for an eye,
please say it first,
an intimate cry
Moments captured,
moments gone,
moments long remembered
A serenade and feast of rain,
the greyest fabric not to touch,
so careful that attempt of trust
and clandestine the notion
Seldom rust,
hopes intertwined,
go melt that icing,
see what to find
Moments captured,
moments gone,
moments long remembered
Release date: 19.04.2013
Listen here:
Release date: 13.10.2014
Listen here:
Live at sound-art Festival
Prinzip Nemesis works with sounds that translate lyrics into music. To achieve that,
Prinzip Nemesis uses field recordings as well as the voice of Eljara and various noise producing instruments.
The project is inspired by nature, classical music, Black Metal, Industrial and Post Punk.
One of the main inspirations for their first album was a journey to India. The duo prefers to keep their live
appearances limited. Each performance is a mix of improvisation and pieces created especially for the event. (Promo Text)
Release date: 04.03.2020
Listen here:
Watch here:
Im Extrasalon
Release date: 19.05.2019
Listen here:
Live at echokammer
Release date: 19.11.2014
Listen here: